Inheritance Tax

Your Situation

Are you leaving your main residence to a direct descendant?


Enter values at their market value
Main Residence
Less Mortgage
Other Property
Less Mortgage
Cash in
Savings Account
Cash & investments
in ISAs
Quoted shares, unit
trusts &OEICs
Investment bonds
and endowment policies

Assets (2)

Enter values at their market value
Unquoted stock and shares, net of APR or BPR
Partnership and business interests, net of APR or BPR
Other assets
Gifts made in last 7 years


Other debts
Funeral expenses

What is the distribution of assets on death?

Legacies to charities
    • 2024/2025
    • 2023/2024
    • Total assets
      Total liabilities
      Net estate
      Charitable legacies
      Charitable legacies
      Nil rate band remaining after gifts
      Chargeable assets in estate
      IHT Payable
    • Total assets
      Total liabilities
      Net estate
      Charitable legacies
      Charitable legacies
      Nil rate band remaining after gifts
      Chargeable assets in estate
      IHT Payable